{25.11.14} [Somewhat Sporadic] Daily Tidbits

{16.11.14} We just had an earthquake, which was fun. Legit, for some reason and against all common sense, I find earthquakes oddly entertaining. I feel kinda bad, though, because so many people here have phobias of earthquakes. I guess it’s the kind of feeling of novelty only possible from someone born in the middle of…

{3.11.14} Theory of Me

My personality/being/abilities have been under scrutiny from the very beginning of getting accepted into this exchange program. Linguistic competence (reading, writing, listening and speaking), multicultural awareness and acceptance, and my own general personality, abilities and interests. While I consider myself to be a decently self-aware person (and just as self-absorbed as anyone, too, if this…

{16.11.14} Moonlit mountain drumming

~ ~ ~ brief musical preamble ~ ~ ~ Vuelvo a casa, vuelvo compañera Vuelvo mar, montaña, vuelvo puerto Vuelvo sur, saludo mi desierto Vuelvo a renacer amado pueblo Vuelvo, amor vuelvo A saciar mi sed de ti Vuelvo, vida vuelvo A vivir en ti país Here’s a loose translation:  I come back to my…