don’t you dare call me beautiful

We are our fear and hope and courage and pain and love and doubt and anger and salty, dripping tears mixed with snot, sweat and redemption. To recognize us for who we appear to be instead of who we are actively being is to deny, in a way, the truth of who we experience ourselves to be.

Crying in the Embrace of the Great Lakes

As snow drifts into winter wind and winter wind caresses snow into shapely domes, I cry for the igloo I once built around myself in a north-facing bedroom in a small Wisconsin town. I cry for a no-in-nor-out igloo, lacking a trapdoor for letting in love’s light. I cry for the sleepless thrashing nights spent…

where the deer and the antelope play

I don’t know where home is, anymore. It used to be where I had always lived, in the middle, as I put it in my Common App essay, of cows and Christians and corn forever. Only the rare birds took flight from this verdant and comfortably monotonous landscape. I was that rare bird of my high…

{4.4.15} multipurpose love buckets: a how-to guide

¡Dejale regalonearte! Let her love you! says Juan, my host dad, as my host mom hovers about trying to bring me ice or kleenex or an apple, all of which I turn down, even as I sit in a crumpled heap after yet another Knee Incident. I’m more than a bit desolate, but accepting help feels, in…

{7.3.15} falling in love

When you’re walking around in the city during the almost nighttime do you ever fall in love with the people passing you by? I do, sometimes. As our lives intersect for 3 interminable seconds on the bustling sidewalk, I gaze at them, and wonder at the infinity of their being. Who could they have known? What…

{26.2.15} strong

Feministing is my new favorite pastime. This means that catcalls bug me more than a lot of people, but on the upside, it’s opened my mind to the ways that women can be empowered. You know, I kind of judged Beyoncé for a while because I felt like she was just another one to oversexualize…

{15.8.14} Spring is coming and love is in the air, Chile style

You know how people say “when spring is coming, love is in the air”? Also, in Les Misérables, Victor Hugo says “If people did not love one another, I really don’t see what use there would be in having any spring.” This supposes a more Western outlook on love. Let’s edit this for Chile:  …